High Debts + Stagnation lead to ww1, ww2, Trade Wars, Sanctions are just the beginning. Daniel Mankani

April 14, 2018

High Debts, Stagnating Economy, lead to ww1, ww2, and now ww3. Trade Wars and Sanctions are just the beginning of world war 3. American Supremacy is questioned, Central banks narrative of global growth is collapsing and mirrored in high debts, external enemies are created and fought to keep the narrative alive at home. Is this just not good economics; If we took the narrative of central banks then its indeed “FAKE NEWS”. – Daniel Mankani.

More of that later; but indeed, there is another narrative, Lets look at the cross roads on where the world stands today.


1) Nationalism is rising with it Protectionist Policies.

2) Global Migration is at its highest, mostly caused by prosecution of the free.

3) Economic Transformation mostly driven due to automation and technology.

4) America the accidental empire, global supremacy is been questioned.

5) The Rise of China and the end of Petro-Dollar.

6) The Biggest Elephant in the House called Student Loans.

This has resulted in High Debts and a Stagnating Global Economy.

Most of these trends although look coincidental but are systematic and by design.

The Economy is in a constant flux moving from highs and lows, booms, bubbles and subsequent corrections and busts are all part of this ebb and flow. Most importantly in all of these cycles one needs to identify at which stage one is at in the ongoing cycle to act accordingly and if subject of study is price or data then to be successful one is to have no bias and discard all noise.

Its only with such dedication to remain objective with the data and not incorporating our own biases one achieves consistent systematic execution’s and does not need to re-validate his own expectations of taking in subjective biased data which in the end fools no one but the analyst himself.

In light of the Cambridge Analytica scandal with Facebook this has indeed given a very bad name to “Think Tanks or Big Data” companies. Cambridge Analytica was never a big data company, nor a data scientist. They scrapped data which is publicly available and at other times available via data “breaches or leaks”.

Facebook is a marketing company whose main product is “eyeballs, attention spans, page views and clicks”, Every company on the Internet makes money from these “eyeballs, attention spans, page views and clicks”. None of it is hard to understand, if one’s “pay reward” is associated with an “enhanced arbitrage”, then why not, says; the capitalist business world.

FACEBOOK ANALYTICS – The product is you!

             {Above Images "Facebook Analytics ; The product is you.} 

Fake News

To end the discussion on Fake News!. Its simply what doesn’t fit the narrative of the designer of the system is called Fake News, what doesn’t go with the narrative or perception that has to be created and brainwashed individuals embolden, this is called Fake News and we fired the first warning shots with a debate on illusions and perceptions, if after all governments wants to control their narrative as true and manufacturer conditions to be favorable then this bias is corrupt to the core and will eventually end with disaster as no one can hide from the truth, especially when everything is made transparent via the deployment of technology, therefore its essential to understand the underlying forces of each major trend we are witnessing and you will notice its not much different that before.

At BTAMSC, In our attempt to understand history too. Our Back data is as much as 5000 years. The crisis upon us next is all driven by the simplest of simplest causes, excessive bubbles due to central banks excessive stimulus. The expansion of Monetary Units in order to retain the narrative that all is good and fine when its not. Cause if it is, how do we explain.

A) The Excessive low in lending rates.
B) The expansionary populist policy of doling out money to the masses.
C) Sovereign Budget Deficits and the pile on debt.
D) The hunt for money.. Rising Taxes and Deterioration of the Middle Class.

{Above Images, WW1, propaganda machine}

The product is you, every step of the way consent is attempted to be manufactured but the manner in which its undertaken draws to attention that this is indeed dangerous times and everything that you read online is not necessarily true. Its for any and every individual to guess-estimate-validate for themselves what is true. Any other type of system of propaganda falls apart pretty quickly as fast as real time.

This is the age of technology and hence every thing is documented almost immediately in real time, what was said yesterday and what really was true can switch sides and opinions in a matter of minutes as they say in the stock markets, a short against a lie goes down much faster than the one based on the truth, truth therefore is fundamental to any narrative, a rising stock on good fundamentals is evident based on its underlying’s revenues but a buzz stock only lasts high till the buzz is on.

Facebook, Tesla, Linkedin are all fads and they come and go but investors are piled on to such many stocks in the dreams of holding them forever. This complacency will end in tears when the entire world are long the very same stocks, whose stock buybacks rise as many piled on debt to trade their own stocks, so what else is new, exactly the type of story of the roaring twenties and the rise of interest rates, culminating into a massive bust and the great depression in 1929.

Which in turn gave rise to World War 2 and economic prosperity only returned three decades later as nations fought out each other, culminating in the bust of the British empire and making america the accidental empire.

The evidence for this fact is the public exposure of Main Stream Media channels biased against President Trump during the election campaigning or it can indeed also be said that they were reporting the truth, while they were maligned as Biased Channels.

Main Stream Media untruthfulness gave rise to Alternative Media channels, in the end its the traffic and discussions all channels provide and their readerships numbers which manufacturers a certain kind of consent, while the opposing party only other defense is to discredit what doesn’t fit the narrative as fake news, I would say such questioning is actually good making everyone to question everything and to expose more fundamental truths.

However the case, the false narrative can never last long and this causes many more problems. Everyone has the right to develop their own truths and populism brings about them together and results into Nationalism, which in turn has resulted in “closed door policies”, protectionist to varying degrees, with the economy semi autonomously and globally connected via technology and for its transparency that it brings, if untruth facts are inputted and a system designed to fool itself then a systematic crash is bound to happen within crash time frames, which are here now and therefore global trends are dangerous poised as in earlier times.

High Debts resulted into malinvestments which in turned wrecked the economy causing it to stagnate as government expenditure continues to rise and the cost spend of all those bills will soon come due. Trade Wars and Sanctions are just the beginning. The wars since 2003 was costly, America is on the edge, losing out its supremacy as all nations have already picked sides, on the economic front a recession is due, at which point the question to ask is; what will the federal reserve do? Continue to hike or let the dollar loose.


A quant speaks.

January 15, 2017

a quant speaks.

You have to change for the situation to change.
Inquiry | Understand Karma.

Just like success can be programmed, failures too, are running a program, which in affect is also a program, which exhibits success.

If you are repeating failing, then the cause is no one, but you, as you suffer from the affects of failure, due to your repetitive behaviour, if so, you can also be programmed to counteract those affects, to output the desired behaviour.

As a data analyst, this will make you, understand, that with the data presented, there is no coincidences, everything is well programmed, it’s just the data lying stale there, giving us our very own understanding, of what that is.

It also tells us, if yesterday is the same as today, then tomorrow will be the same, cause human behavior is the hardest to change.


These human behaviours, repeatedly provides us with trends, outputted at various sites of BTAMSC.

This is what we do, at banking technologies Asia. We study data, data that is clean, data that is not obtained, but gathered, studying human behavior, in current form and the past, and we store this data, and call this dataset1 {history}.

On any single day, we analyse practically everything, gathered in real time, these bots of ours, operate like spiders, they dive deep into the web, to collect everything. To know everything, and archive it into history.

We keep track of the news, via snapwire.com.

To analyse to {dataset1}, we add another sets of new data into it, our bots gather and keep track of comments on blogs and all forms of social media, and we store these as {dataset2} as name them as feelings, or thoughts.

With this new data, a new preservative is added into the spectrum, to identify, his reality, vis perception, we scrub the two datasets, against each other.

We get a pattern. A pattern of truth.

Introduction to Chart Paterns.

Most importantly, we get to develop, predictive technology, intelligence is been gathered on our system, by giving us the predicative capability, of determining the next probable outcome, with the relative degree of safety, of potential pitfalls, challenges that may arise, in the fulfillment of the most probable outcome and what if; how; and other potentially required, questions, can be outputted from such a system. The most probable trends, our current condition of inquiry, are again outputted for scrubbing, at  http://dynamictrader.com And http://dynamictrader.org, sites we operate since 1998/-.

As such, we run multiple tools of information gathering systems and run them against each other, to determine the path of most probable outcome, this is a trend, that we are attempting to identify, the path of least resistance.

Analysis is a subject of repeated inquiry, that is what it is. The questioning and repeated inquiry, of what if, why, and every such question is the subject of such inquiry, then this is what is outputted, its called Intelligence, a state of {I Know more than you.}.

We then add into {another dataset3} , we call this economy. We track financial data, of all nature.(p)

Financial s Comparison Analysis.

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INTRODUCTION TO FINANCIAL MARKETS & TRADING OPPORTUNITIES IN COMMODITY, CURRENCY, & FINANCIAL FUTURES – Archived on: Jan 2, 1995 | http://ul3.com/dAFWj  | http://dynamictrader.org/financial-markets-trading-opportunities-commodity-currency-financial-futures/

We believe in is a world without borders. A world without barriers and monopolies protecting the inefficient are been questioned. The days of segregation are behind us. Talent remains global and capital follows it. Redundant processes once identified become obsolete. Value creation meets success. Technology deployment demands speed!. Its Human Evolution not Revolution. Will you sink or swim?.

Progressively Evolve and aggregate extensible success, deploy existing resources and reinvent. Strategic deployment and high standards delivers value to your customers, our customers!. To redefine processes, Ask BTAMSC, Give us a Challenge!.  As Quants, Data is our best friend, without bias and corruption, we identify the inefficient and make them obsolete. For a Better World! Full of Love. For you, for us and our Lovely Planet.

BTAMSC is currently seeking partners to value add in the following joint ventures. Cloud based solution upload.asia, SocialNetwork platform planetic.com, Alternative News Media, snapwire.com, P2P+Merchant Solutions payments.asia, Virtual and Social Gifting redpacket.com, Ebooks Magazine Store emagbook.com, Expats community site, escapeartist.in, Free online educational platform elearningweb.com and virtual office platform keyteams.com.

Bidlease.com – Joint Venture Opportunities.

Learn more about our company, here; http://banktech.net

Our data is not for sale. For fear of corruption and bias.
We practically have no clients, want no clients.
We seek value adding, performance driven, systematically executing; joint venture partners.

Venture capital is available, meeting such criteria.

Our Services. We can help you;
ReInvent the Physical Presence with a Tasks Based Efficient Digital Office.

Restructure skills and resources assets globally with BTAMSC start to end solutions.

ReAlign resources to specific tasks, objectives to meet goals, outlined in milestones.

RePresent in various online channels and grow to your full potential.

Disclaimer. http://ul3.com/L30qH
Back to the Beginning. http://ul3.com/aeVUG
BTAMSC – http://ul3.com/vAqdH
The Greed: http://ul3.com/pUDgd
The Ignorant, Zombies: http://ul3.com/PP8Ez
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Introduction to Technical Analysis. http://ul3.com/kcYCE

Revolutionary Transformation Ongoing. http://ul3.com/kcYCE
– Global Economic Collapse  January 18, 2016

And Why;
Technopreneurship Development – Daniel Mankani. http://ul3.com/kcYCE
– Published Sep 2003. Pearson Education Asia


Trends: The entire system needs a reboot, a kick in the butt. moment.

December 20, 2016

The entire system needs a reboot, a kick in the butt, a wake up call,
” LOOK!, All of this, is a very big misunderstanding “,
if you know what I mean. 

- daniel mankani, author, Knowledge Based Economy. Published on: Dec 20, 2016 @ 08:01

The news reports emerging are all crazy and those in power, have resorted to calling it FAKE NEWS.

Fine, one can agree to that, it could be false, but telling someone or deciding for someone else, what true and fake is already an attack on ones conscious, an individuals moral right of free will. Telling them not to think? and emphasizing is no wonder, why, there are indeed, so many zombies in every part of the system.

The entire educational system has wrongly assumed the role of telling everyone what is wrong and what is right, by practicing teaching of education by the means of memory recollection, instead of teaching students of How to think?. Once you destroy this thought process and try to define individuals further by leading them into higher educations, certification, then careers and professions, you are already creating zombies for the benefit of the masters of the system, serving up slaves, and controlling them by debt and fear of losing out to peer pressures, driving up their insecurities further and away from their own discovery, and then you still expect them to be efficient and innovative in their approaches. You are sitting on a big fat wish. 

No wonder we are now faced with the kick in the butt moment. Note, its you!, who took away, their moral right to think? And its you, who has now become the solution to everything, despite you been the one, who got everyone unto this path of mess, in the first place.

And its no surprise today, that the world is lacking solutions to all the worlds problems, cause the ones who are suppose to have solutions are the same ones, who actually got us into this mess in the first place, Is it Not?

Before, we go on with this discussion further, lets first analyse, what exactly is a zombie?

A zombie is a computer code that does things based on a rule based engine, it has no thought, no empathy, it just does what it’s told.

To add intelligence, you need to add, what and if scenarios. And if you can cover all the possible, what and if scenarios, then you will encounter self intelligence and a self learning process begins, chip based systems refer to this as artificial intelligence, while humans don’t need to learn this as they have a natural ability to think, but it becomes a case of; use it or loose it, becoming a zombie.

On the other hand, a rule based approach, which is reactionary to current circumstances and with more code and more rules added on top of past errors as in order to cover the gaps as and when they become self evident, is a reactionary self preservation approach, So new rules are written on top of the current set of rules, and what you get is a systematic collapse, as each new rule added is in the interest of self preservation, in deception and deceit to address past flaws and what the system master doesn’t recognize or acknowledge his past mistakes, he then becomes bound to repeat them again, continuing down the path, not fixing but counteracting his past gaps, while opening up issues, leads the system to becoming bulky, non operative, buggy, and then a crash.

its a bad code, a destructive bad beast gene, A virus thought process. Monkey see and Monkey do. And a ZOMBIE!

The zombie virus is pursuing a systematic approach, reactionary and impulsive of destruction behavior in its self preservation mode. Its not not value creating or efficient in its design, its reactions are based on its current circumstances and the need to survive and it doesn’t understand its own current circumstances and understand all events are dynamically changing and as each new action or event is introduced into the equation making once again circumstances to change evolve dynamically in its the current and the future forms accordingly, while the past flaws still remain hidden. And that’s why, its often said; when the truth emerges, it always runs a shiver down your spine in this case complete loss of self preservation, misery and its own collapse.

Companies too.
Companies, who charge customers on the basis of their own costs, their rationality been their costs that they need to cover in order to survive instead of costs incurred in delivering value.

Governments too.
Self interest and reactionary policies are so much further away from the actual truth, the equilibrium of all things. A pattern quite evident for those who can see and its worldwide.

And Individuals.
They rather drop off the jobs force, become a non participation statistic, rather than take a job at a lowered pay, than get paid less than their own expectations to survive. It don’t matter to them, that taking a new job and a new job skill, will make them productive once again, yet; they prefer the path and the jobless pain’s it brings to them.

No one is to blame. Another misunderstanding. It will deliver the pain needed for change to occur and those who don’t evolve or do not want to evolve will find misery and its company and time and time again all failures are due to this repetitive destructive pattern of a Zombie.

Zombies! will eventually be all eradicated and after some time they too will evolve and corrupt the system again. but not in the age of transparency, where all that you have done and will do. Is known to all.

Disclaimer. http://ul3.com/L30qH
Back to the Beginning. http://ul3.com/aeVUG
BTAMSC – http://ul3.com/vAqdH
The Greed: http://ul3.com/pUDgd
The Ignorant, Zombies: http://ul3.com/PP8Ez
History: http://ul3.com/1rCFA
Chart Patterns: http://ul3.com/54VLV
Introduction to Technical Analysis. http://ul3.com/kcYCE

Revolutionary Transformation Ongoing. http://ul3.com/kcYCE
– Global Economic Collapse  January 18, 2016

And Why;
Technopreneurship Development – Daniel Mankani. http://ul3.com/kcYCE
– Published Sep 2003. Pearson Education Asia