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Woman Power Opportunity beckons for India!

India is facing its own Tahir movement, soceity from all sides are unhappy with the manner the country is governed, for the last two years, corruption took centre stage as the main topic, what has resolved, is little. But people are trying, they are waking up to the facts of live and realize the difference in Inda vs-a-vs elsewhere, And it’s this comparision which has driven the demand for change. It seems by the recent news out of Delhi, there is still a lot to fix, besides corruption.

The recent rape case and the workings of the police force are been questioned, when leaders are not leaders, the efficiency at lower levels will indeed be poor. How can a politician know, what, how, the police force should function.So the Politician options are limited, he is unable to directly govern the Police Force, as the Inner workings
remain unknown to him. Best option most Politicians will choose, is either an Defence/Police Industry Veteran or a related cousin.

In my next book, Knowledge Based Economy, explains, “the changes we are witnessing, worldwide will see governments functioning in a very different form than today, and its possible, it could evolve into “For the People, By The People, To the People” as it was originally envisioned by the founding fathers of most countries, which has been hijacked from its true meaning, by Aristrocrats everywhere”.

With these changes slowing gaining momentum, we should witness an increase of Globalization, which should help raise up the living standards of societies everywhere by their participation. The world integrating, businesses compete, where creativity and innovation follows, riches and opportunities beckons.

Thanks to Ayesha Kidwai, who wrote today! “Universities have fed India’s Tahrir moment” and states,

  • About 40 per cent of the more than 17 million students enrolled in the Indian higher education system are women, many of whom are struggling against great odds to pursue academic careers.
  • Since the late 1970s, the Indian women’s movement has been fed by women student activists; however, the protests that Delhi and India have witnessed following the gang rape and murder of the young 23-year-old medical student have been unprecedented and honestly, unexpected.
  • they seek to set a national agenda that will discuss sexual violence as one end of a spectrum of outrage that denies women the right to life (son preference has led to a completely unnatural child sex ratio of 914 females to 1000 males), the freedom to dress and to love (and leave) as they please, the right to resist suffering marital rape and abuse in the home and sexual harassment at university and the workplace, and most importantly, the right to be treated as equals.

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