illusion Archives - Idealbroker Foreign Exchange, Financial Futures Options and Stocks in over 60 Countries with your own personal private professional advisor broker - Tue, 19 Jun 2018 15:05:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 illusion Archives - Idealbroker 32 32 1990’s The End of Real Innovation and Growth. Tue, 19 Jun 2018 15:05:56 +0000  Brief: Innovation, growth and human development are closely correlated. Today’s youth are losing their cognitive abilities and problems of today are not with innovation but excessive experimentation.

  • 1990’s is when we saw the last bouts of real innovation, 1990’s is also the time frame witnessed when Youth IQ levels have been dropping.  The world is indeed dumber and in the quest to access and justify capital, startups and companies tend to pitch artificial intelligence, big data, and autonomous systems simultaneously, when its factual Machines Do Not Think and possibly never will.
  • Computing is an execution of systematic codes and programs, they do not have intuition in pattern recognition, which is essentially a key component for innovation.
  • The End of Innovation in the 1990’s and the peak of economic growth is correlated and many of the problems we witness today is not due to innovation but rather excessive experimentation which is having disastrous consequences on society.
  • As part of a series to delve into these insane experiments, In part 1 we attempt to explain what is real innovation and growth. In part two we delve into the deeper workings of Artificial Intelligence and to explain how unintelligent these systems can be, yet this doesn’t stop experiments into various systems which are purportedly flawed and it continues by those just to be proven right (BIAS) at the huge costs of time and capital, while at the same time unleashing disruptive and destructive conditions on the global economy.
  • Use of Smart Phones and dependence on technology are making the youth of today lose their cognitive abilities and the main cause of youths unemployment- Daniel Mankani



1990’s and The End of Real Innovation and growth.

In 1434 Johannes Gutenberg, a goldsmith by profession developed a printing system by adapting existing technologies for printing purposes. In 1712 it was Thomas Newcomen with his “atmospheric-engine” who can be said to have brought together most of the essential elements established by earlier inventors.

Thomas Edison played an instrumental role in the development of the telephone. Edison had been working on methods for sending two messages simultaneously over a single wire for many years. In 1872, after Western Union adopted Joseph Stearns’s duplex for sending two messages in opposite directions, company president William Orton hired Edison to invent and patent other methods “as an insurance against other parties using them.” While working on duplex telegraphs, Edison realized that he could send four messages simultaneously by combining the duplex with a diplex for sending two messages in the same direction.
In 1875, with a contract from Western Union, Edison began work on the acoustic telegraph, which used tuning forks to send telegraphic messages at different frequencies at the same time. He would use this money to build Menlo Park. From this work on acoustic telegraphy, which he pursued at the same time as Alexander Graham Bell, came the telephone, which relied on Edison’s research, and the phonograph, which was inspired by the potential to replicate the sounds of acoustic telegraphy.

It was Edison’s Carbon Microphone in the receiver that was licensed by Bell and remained in telephones for more than a century. By 1876 Alexander Graham Bell is credited with the development of the first practical telephone, who too recognized the contributions of earlier inventors and with that came we got the Phonograph in 1877 and the lightbulb in 1878.

All these inventions effectively led to enhanced economic activity and an improvement into human conditioning, which prior to were a drag on society and economic participation limited to agrarian communities as men slogged at the farms while women in charge of the households were mostly left to draw water from distances, doing laundry which took up two days in a week and without electricity it meant hard laborious conditions for day to day life.

In 1903 the Wright brothers achieved the first powered, sustained and controlled airplane flight and two years later they broke their own milestones when they flew their first practical airplane, here again, made possible by drawing upon findings from earlier inventors and their observations.

By 1941 a new device came along which could be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically or via program codes and this became the first computing machines whose costs of ownership were prohibitively very high and were only used by governments for record keeping and instantaneous calculations.

In 1965 Gordon Moore observed the trend at which transistors chips were evolving made a prediction in his paper described a doubling every year in the number of components per integrated circuit and projected this rate of growth would continue for at least another decade. In 1975, looking forward to the next decade, he revised the forecast to doubling every two years.

And by late 1970’s and as predicted by Moore’s Law we saw the advent of the microcomputers and with affordability came mass adoptions of these machines. But these machines were standalone independently working machines thereby as a means to natural progression saw the advent of the Internet, allowing connectivity and collaboration as a means for enhanced efficiency.

Beginning from the early inventions in the 2nd century until the creation of the Internet in the 1990’s, all of the inventions were addressing problems for which there were no other real alternatives. They were fulfilling a real gap market demand followed with their efficient uses and instrumental problem solving, new industries sprung around them, and they had a powerful impact for all mankind, where human life and conditioning vastly improved.

These Real Inventions are in use even today and they can never be dislodged. With the end of these innovations, global growth collapsed and has been tepid since the early 1990’s. The end of real innovations has brought us to a stage of disruptive inventions which are cannibalistic in nature and as solutions to problems where none are required yet have a profound market impact and are reversing some of the positive traits built up in the past and are very destructive in their approach, affecting human conditioning not for the better but towards the worst.

Innovation and Growth

The wider implications of all innovations are strongly correlated between technological advances and the betterment of human life. For example, the Agricultural Revolution which occurred between 1750-1900 produced a transformation of human society brought about by the invention of the plough, making large-scale agriculture production possible. There was also a widespread replacement of manual labor by machines during the Industrial Revolution.

The Invention of the plough didn’t make the cows who plowed the fields obsolete but in fact, they had a positive impact where their old structural uses were enhanced and were made ready for other more efficient uses. Similarly, the impact of paper on record keeping, the compass for navigational purposes and the printing presses as an incremental innovation created, even more, uses for paper.

The Industrial Revolution too brought about much economic improvement for most people in Industrial Societies and many also enjoyed greater prosperity and improved conditions, modern industrial life also provided a constantly changing flood of new goods and services giving consumers more choices, which in turn provided employment opportunities for those displaced by the transformation of the agricultural societies.

Innovation can be classified as Breakthrough, Incremental, Game Changing and Disruptive.

Breakthrough Innovation:  Often referred to as “revolutionary science” because it involves a paradigm shift.  In this case, the problem is well defined, but the path to the solution is unclear, usually because those involved in the domain have hit a wall. Paper, Transistors and the discovery of the structure of many molecules including DNA are both good examples of breakthrough innovation.

Incremental Innovation: (sometimes referred to as sustaining innovation) uses existing forms as a starting point and either makes incremental improvements to something or some process or it reconfigures it so that it may serve some other purpose.

While Breakthrough and Incremental Innovations have a substantial impact in technological advancement and are directly correlated with the advancement of human conditioning and economy, Game Changing and Disruptive Innovations, on the other hand, are not well defined nor can be considered as a new scientific innovation but rather delivers the same repackaged in a different manner.

Game Changing Innovation: For Instance, Apple’s iPhone is not a new scientific Breakthrough Innovation but uses a combination of existing technologies such as the camera, the computer or the many components of the smartphone which were incorporated to create another phone, thereby making it just a game-changing innovation. The iPhone is also not an Incremental Innovation as that of printing press creating efficient enhancing uses of the paper, it did not make any of its components more efficient.

Disruptive Innovations: The term was defined and first analyzed by the American scholar Clayton M. Christensen and his collaborators beginning in 1995 and has been called the most influential business idea of the early 21st century and defines Disruptive Innovation as one that creates a new market by providing a different set of values, which ultimately (and unexpectedly) overtakes an existing market. In business, a Disruptive Innovation is an innovation that creates a new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market-leading firms, products, and alliances.

Beyond business and economics, Disruptive Innovations can also be considered to disrupt complex systems, including economic and business-related aspects. The business environment of market leaders does not allow them to pursue Disruptive Innovations when they first arise, because they are not profitable enough at the start and because their development can take scarce resources away from sustaining innovations (which are needed to compete against current competition) and due to these innovations not clearly being defined, they may never be profitable and carry a much higher risk than every other type of innovation.

Real Breakthrough Innovations and growth go hand in hand. With computing came the internet in 1990’s and this is to be considered as the last bouts of real inventions the world has ever seen, Global Growth to has faltered in the 1990’s, first with the collapse of the Japanese Economy and the rise of China {cannibalistic}, this being not much different than Japan in the 1980’s. In fact, many of the trade issues we see today between China and USA are about the same of what we witnessed between Japan and USA then.

The innovations since 1990’s have mostly been computer related, which is to follow generalized sets of operations, called programs. These programs enable computers to perform an extremely wide range of tasks, which the newfound computing capabilities could perform well, first as a means of efficient record keeping, storage and with that effective collaboration of these informational data across multiple channels via the Internet.

Out of these new means of efficient storage and communication, Information Technology was born which in turn provided the ability for managers of such systems to identify repetitive and often redundant processes whose removal created new value chains of efficiency.

These new computing innovations while delivering informational competencies, their deployment was destructive in their approach and threatened every set of old established structural system, initially their value proposition was mainly positive as the benefits were visible in the overall bottom line of the organizations who deployed them in the form of enhanced productivity, service, efficiency and or sales, often referenced as Value Chains yet they were cannibalistic in their approaches.

While smartphones and related mobile technologies are recognized as flexible and powerful tools that, when used prudently, can augment human cognition, there is also a growing perception that habitual involvement with these devices has a negative and lasting impact on users’ ability to think, remember, pay attention, and regulate emotion.

As portable media devices, such as smartphones, have become an increasingly pervasive part of human lives, they have also become increasingly capable of supplementing, or even supplanting, various mental functions. With the capacity to be used as phonebooks, appointment calendars, internet portals, tip calculators, maps, gaming devices, and much more, smartphones seem capable of performing an almost limitless range of cognitive activities for humans and by doing so limiting humans own cognitive skills in a case of use it or lose it.

Moore’s Law, an observation of pattern recognition and Intuition.

As observed on Moore’s Law on the level of Transistors on integrated circuit chips, if human’s cognitive skills are in decay and reversing then surely this is not a good thing for society and this is reflective of the lack of jobs for today’s youth as they remain poorly equipped despite having participated in higher levels of education and the problem is not with the availability of jobs but the availability of the skills sets they have to offer.

In Business too, these informational technological systems have created havoc by deploying an arbitrage edge for themselves often at the costs of society. Value Creation is a concrete concept which none of these new technologies seem to deliver. The end of innovation in the 1990’s and the beginning of experimentation is at the root of our problems.

Further Reading
Animal Spirits, Bubbles, Mania’s and Market Peaks.
FOMO Signs of the Euphoric. The Bust is almost near!
BITCOIN – A Fraud and Ponzi in a Disillusioned World:
The Greed:
The Hope:
The Ignorant, Zombies:
Perception vs Reality:
Revolutionary Transformation Ongoing. 
– Global Economic Collapse January 18, 2016

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Signs of the Euphoric. The Bust is almost near! Wed, 22 Nov 2017 12:49:35 +0000 Signs of the Euphoric. The Bust is almost near! – Daniel Mankani.

These activities cannot continue, Euphoria with Fear is taking hold.

Its called. FOMO! Fear of Missing Out.

Time and time again, we have witnessed the repeat of similar patterns.

There comes a time where irrationality takes hold and common sense has no holding, the two most talked about tech trends for the year 2017 is blockchain and artificial intelligence.

There are genuine concerns to what man has become in its evolution and we may very well be at the very early beginnings in the making of the zombies.

Artificial Intelligence drives human behaviour and thought, which in turn motivates processes.

This is leading many to develop illusionary perceptions and making one live “Imaginary Illusionary Life’s”.

Albeit temporary, {Perception vs Reality:}

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Netflix, Apple and Google as the gatekeepers into these realms.

Kingdom’s of Imaginary Secondary Life’s we call them. Each manipulating human thought in their own selfish interest to survive!.

Unbeknownst to them about their creative actions is leading many into zombies world.

The concerns of many are genuine, what if, just what if, someone gets stuck inside VR for a month.

What will become of such person? and yes the web is 70% porn and paedophilia rules elites minds, pizzagate they call this.

Guccifer 2.0 recent hacks into the DNC one of many, Elections Swinging, Panama Papers, USA Cables, Snowden and WikiLeaks.

They all Exist yet none is talking about this in “MainStream!”. What doesn’t fit into the narrative is referred to as “Fake News”.

Human Consciousness has to evolve above the machines and it will when it has too. Take a look at this.


As Alan Watts Rightly Explains;

We as Humans have to agree to disagree collectively.

Our evolutionary speed has caught up with us and will soon drive us in the mode for self survival.

Humans have to collectively evolve both ruled and rulers.

The technology revolution is underway. Its not hard to see the affects of the current trends.

  1. Awakening of human consciousness and the risk to established order.
  2. The non presence of any international law and order. US Supremacy is been questioned.
  3. A new global transformative economy largely driven by technology.

2012 was just the beginning of such awakening and now we are picking up speed and momentum.

Capitalism and the need for power has always lead to Cannibalism.

Humans on the other hand tend to evolve at rapid speed only at the precipice of change.

We are complacent beings otherwise, we don’t prepare for exams next year but when it arrives.

Its only with pain that we change. This time will be no different.

A revolutionary change is upon us in the manner we conduct Life’s and Society.

At no time in History, we see so many changes around us.

  1. Chaos in more than 50 countries around the world.
  2. Loss of faith in Government and Money. Blockchain, Bitcoin and Crypto currencies.
  3. Unprecedented central bank stimulus policies and malinvestment in financial markets.
  4. Ongoing wars and regional political disputes in the Entire Middle East.
  5. Massive amount of migration across borders changing local landscapes with economic migrants and war refugees.
  6. Populism is on the rise in the west due to economic insecurity. Nationalism for others seeking concentration of power.

From the evolution of thought came the questioning on the validity of Money, the reflection of which is fear and greed driven, see crypto currencies, especially bitcoin.

Bitcoin and Crypto currencies are adopted by many questioning central banks accountability on the results of their excessive printing of government fiat money, unprecedented as it, its unaccountable to a much certain degree and one of the main reasons of malinvestment {ˌmalɪnˈvɛstm(ə)nt/ } across many sectors.

Hence tapering has begun and the singing tunes of interest rate hikes.

The problem is in the narrative, that indeed the economy has recovered completely and whether human life is in any better conditioning, than before, it’s not.

Over the last decade since the great financial crisis, wealth inequality has grown, climate change is much more evident, economic transformation is ongoing, whereby we move away from manufacturing jobs into the service economy, which in turn is forecasted to be largely “digitally driven” , this mass shift has resulted into disastrous affects on employability and depression like conditions in many parts of society.

“HAVE” and “HAVE NOTs” have grown, leading into another set of disastrous clearly visible evident conditions, threatening established order across all sectors. Sometimes it feel’s like no one is in charge.


Are we in bubble territory yet?

It’s just not mathematically possible to continue down this path or else big revolution is coming for the elites. This is history! Patterns and cycles repeat, if true a massive culling of the herd without one there can be no sustainability. We will run out of resources sooner or later, expansion can never be to infinity, yet our billionaires are euphorically looking to mine asteroids in space. If this is not pure insanity then what is?

Global Wealth Disparity. The Pyramid!

Share of top shareholders global wealth.

The Top of the Pyramid.

Sooner or later income disparity will lead to little in disposable income and next comes the bust in the consumer driven economy.

Global Wealth Pyramid.

Regional membership of global wealth.

Number of dollar millionaires, % global total.

Change by country.

Ultra High Net Worth.

We are currently hiring!, Join us to disrupt the disruptors

You may work for any of these start-ups.

Cloud based solution, SocialNetwork platform, Alternative News Media,, P2P+Merchant Solutions, Virtual and Social Gifting, Ebooks Magazine Store, Expats community site,, Free online educational platform and virtual office platform

We are currently hiring!, Join us to disrupt the disruptors

… the story continues.

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Technopreneurship – The Successful Entrepreneur in the New Economy – Daniel Mankani. Published 2003. Pearson Education Asia – All rights, copyright reserved Daniel Mankani { ISBN0-13-046545-3 }

Chapter The Greed >>> Technopreneurship-The Successful Entrepreneur In The New Economy.

Back to the Beginning.
BITCOIN – A Fraud and Ponzi in a Disillusioned World:
The Greed:
The Hope:
The Ignorant, Zombies:
Perception vs Reality:
Chart Patterns:
Introduction to Technical Analysis.


Revolutionary Transformation Ongoing.
– Global Economic Collapse January 18, 2016

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BITCOIN – A Fraud and Ponzi in a Disillusioned World – Daniel Mankani Sun, 05 Nov 2017 07:28:41 +0000 First things first lets understand this “The World is Disillusioned with Social Media Imaginary Lives” Ongoing Economic and Monetary Systems Transformation and there is indeed a whole lot of confusion on how the world tomorrow will evolve.

There are many questions and many responses to this but one thing for sure, its Bitcoin is not money nor its a stored value of an asset, it will never replace currency nor its has any of the attributes of Gold or Currency.

In the midst of all this Bitcoin has emerged as the best performer across various asset classes to which its compared against and now been told it will replace the means of transacting across borders and its value to continue increasing in a case of be it all and end all.

Human Greed knows no bounds especially so if its a subject out of disillusioned minds.

In the era of Fake News and Deregulated markets where accountability takes backstage coupled with a over educated under utilized millennium generation, Bitcoin is more of Fraud and a Ponzi and you may call it the revenge of the nerds.

Driven by fear of missing out and with various superior looking scientific yet false justification of “i know its better but I don’t know how, this has fueled Bitcoin’s Market Valuation and Price.

Its Greed and Fear Combined, Perception of disillusioned minds. A fraud of no other kind and a Ponzi at the same time.

In 2017 alone. Bitcoin meteoric rise has seen its total market value rise to over 100 billion dollars. Click to enlarge.

Bitcoins 100 Billion Dollar Valuation obtained in a shortest period of time. Click to enlarge.

For any asset to remain as a stored value and become one as a currency, it needs to have three key attributes without which its just another Fraud and a Ponzi at the same time.


It needs to have an UNDERLYING to give its stored value, It needs to have a UTILITY without which there is no demand to hold and lastly it needs to have LIQUIDITY which is non volatile.


Attributes which Bitcoin doesn’t have.

Underlying Resource: An underlying resource of some kind is necessary to give any derivative its value against which the derivative is bench marked, US Treasuries and even Fiat Currency for example have an underlying asset class to back them up, Government revenues and Taxes are the underlying for every currency where economic growth and monetary management defines the currency value.

Gold is the perfect hedge in an stagflation environment in which we are currently in and Bitcoin is not gold, It has no underlying of its own to  compare with to gold or to a currency and such perception is very much flawed.

It is wrong to say that Bitcoins Energy Consumption gives its underlying. It does not. Click to enlarge.

It is wrong to say that Bitcoins Energy Consumption gives its underlying. It does not.

Just cause someone found out a water front property and build on it an exclusive luxurious home, spending huge sums of money to make it beautiful and comparing its construction costs as input of value and then comparing it to the prices in demand and further speculating that if just a tiny bit of demand comes from there, the prices will escalate to those levels in a fancy of disillusioned minds.

You can’t compare an sparsely populated island in the pacific to that of one which has demand and it’s no matter on how much money you spend in making it luxurious, its a waste of effort and time.

Bitcoins hash rate, efficiency of mining determining input costs. Click to enlarge.

As the difficulty increases in mining of coins in order to make it a finite resource, more energy is consumed as efficiency drops and it then becomes scarce, this is the mathematical equation behind bitcoins miners and developers illusion, assuming that the input costs are part of the underlying, when its not.

Bitcoin Energy Consumption to determine underlying replacement costs. Click to enlarge.

Bitcoin uses more electricity than Uraguay, Kyrgyzstan, and Paraguay, yet what is the productivity use or value created out of this?

Bitcoin-Energy-Consumption-vs-Ranked-Countries. Click to enlarge.

Gold is a finite resource with utility which makes it of asset of stored value of no other kind.

Bitcoin-vs-Gold-Total-Annual-Energy-Consumption. Click to enlarge.

While it only takes 1.4 barrels of oil equivalent to produce an ounce of gold, it takes 10.1 barrels of oil equivalent to produce one Bitcoin.

Bitcoin-vs-Gold-Total-Energy-Consumed. Click to enlarge

Therefore as per the Maths.

Bitcoin-Production-Cost-Bevand-as per May-31-2017. Which today is closer to 1800 per coin generated and rising. Click to enlarge.

Hence, anyone investing in Bitcoins needs to understand the total dynamics behind them and understand which asset if behaving more like a bubble.

Bitcoin-vs-Gold-Cost-vs-Market-Price, Click to enlarge.

Now if we are in agreement on input costs and the underlying just been a waste of valuable energy resources to output a single coin, lets look for the second most important attribute of that of Its value creating UTILITY and you will find there is none except for illegal money laundering, and stashing of hidden wealth from which Bitcoin has benefited enormously from the chaos and collapses of various economies across the world.

In fact Bitcoin founding and origination is mired in Mystery with rumors of the founder himself owning a million coins and we have various reports from a couple of years ago where sites which accepted Bitcoins in its infancy were gifted hundreds and thousands of coins.

First things first, If you are investing in either Bitcoin or Gold, it’s important to understand which asset is behaving more like a bubble than the other and Bitcoin is clearly a bubble and a Ponzi which needs fake news to thrive on. 

Fake news, bitcoin is be it all and end all.

Bitcoin Flyer, more fake news.

Soon the USA Government

Bitcoin Bandit

Bitcoin will starve the banks fake news

Santa Claus is coming early this year.

Whipee its going up and up


bitcoin-money laundering activities.

Jimmy Loves Bitcoin. Jimmy needs to understand front running in unregulated markets leads to fraud and scam.

Listen to the audio file below to understand the meaning of front running, it happens a lot in bitcoin where the order fills are not in accordance to price. Exchanges and brokers are part of this scam, while people without any background and understanding are been suckered in.

More Fake News. Do you know Bitcoin is worth a Million and Why.

Bitcoin is still tiny, a sparsely populated island compared to the one in demand. If this is not scam than what is it?

More Fake News. Its going to a million and here is how?

For those who are unaware of a Ponzi which is also a bubble. Look up Tulip Mania.

Its unregulated and largely biased by the few who profit the most out of the high price. Caveat Emptor if you are invested.

Bitcoin needs a constant barrage of fake news and steady stream of new incomers into the scheme to justify high prices, if this is not a ponzi that what is? Its highly fraudulent by the misrepresentations occurring coupled with “Front Running” activities of brokers and exchanges in tandem with such activities.

Steve Wozniak misquoted, every statement is manipulated for higher price.

Bitcoin Fork. If Bitcoin is decentralized, then how come some minor parties, not majority, decided to create a fork and outputted a new coin? Isn’t decentralization on the basis that no single parties or minor group of parties members can control or direct outcome without the consent of the many.

Who benefits. The multiplicity of money. A revolution of no other kind.

                                 In Conclusion, Fools and their money part always fast.

Further Reading.

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute  | 
Working Paper No. 292
Does Bitcoin Reveal New Information About Exchange
Rates and Financial Integration?
* | G. C. Pieters | Trinity University | December 2016

[embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”]

Does Governance Have a Role in Pricing? | Cross-Country Evidence From Bitcoin Markets
Robert Viglione | Department of Finance | Darla Moore School of Business | University of South Carolina | September 2015

[embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”]


Digiconomist’s work on Bitcoin energy consumption.

How Many Barrels Of Oil Are Needed To Mine One Bitcoin,


Marc Bevand: Electricity consumption of Bitcoin: a market-based and technical analysis)

Caveat Emptor,

We are attending WEB SUMMIT 2017 in Lisbon.
Get to know us.


Technopreneurship – The Successful Entrepreneur in the New Economy – Daniel Mankani. Published 2003. Pearson Education Asia – All rights, copyright reserved Daniel Mankani { ISBN0-13-046545-3 }

Chapter The Greed >>> Technopreneurship-The Successful Entrepreneur In The New Economy.

Back to the Beginning.
The Greed:
The Hope:
The Ignorant, Zombies:
Perception vs Reality:
Chart Patterns:
Introduction to Technical Analysis.

Revolutionary Transformation Ongoing.
– Global Economic Collapse January 18, 2016

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The Hope. Mon, 23 Jan 2017 06:59:19 +0000

The Hope

Hope plays an important part in our expectation, for hundreds of years mankind has behaved and reacted in a peculiar manner, once things turn sour, we tend to hope and pray for things to get better. Regardless of the situation, hope gives us the strength to hang on and look forward, it makes us to expect the impossible, it tells us a change of luck or a miracle may come our way saving us from these troubled times.

When one starts to leaves things on luck of chance, fate and begins to believe things will get better, then it’s a condition of hope and hope is your worst enemy when you are trading the markets and you are losing, cause hope may only make matters worse.

A condition of hope prevailed on the markets, they had started heading down, but a state of denial supported investors to continue their beliefs and investments on the way down.

Market reports, the media and everything else suggested a correction was underway and Financial Guru’s were on TV, advising everyone that a correction is underway and in no manner this should be read as a all-out collapse of the Internet Sector.

After all the markets had continued to gain year on year for the last decade and corrections then were ideally an opportunity to buy more stock, invest in new ventures and leverage on the lower prices.

The hope was the Feds who had supported previous down moves would ensure that the markets were tuned to the upside for ever, after all a prosperous investing crowd was good for the economy.

With this Investors continued to pour capital into private equity deals and large-scale public companies found valuations cheap to diversify their investments and create new revenue streams for their shareholders.

As the public companies struggled to build their own revenues, their diversification plans provided them with the hope of growth in technology, as technology and the Internet are here to stay and a switch now could help them save the day.

The real problem for the old economy companies was, the supply of goods and services they provided, they had either gone out of fashion or were not in demand anymore and their continuous supply was constantly depressing prices further and creating a deflationary environment in the economy where prices are headed only one way. Lower!

Most old economy companies took this opportunity of lowered equity valuations to diversify into technology, as technology companies continued to remain the darling for most investors and even on the way down, they constantly craved for more.

For the old economy companies this provided an ideal opportunity to sell out and revive defunct companies which had lost an interest with Investors, all they had to add was a good plan worth exploring, huge revenue projections and a management team which had some track record providing the basis for execution.

The problem was not many of these late stage aspiring technology companies understood much about technology or were innovative in any manner, they also hardly understood what had been created and delivered by many by most successful technopreneurs.

A phrase of Investing on concepts prevailed and even after six months since the March 2000 Nasdaq bust, capital could still be raised on ideas of innovation but it was starting to get difficult. Public companies armed with public money continued to soak up private technology companies that provided them with basis of justifications on their own corporate revenues.

Companies in debt, companies with cash flow issues and companies in general who were unable to secure capital via traditional means, one by one realized the opportunity of tapping capital from the stock markets since regulations and listing requirements were been eased. They changed their names, added a dot com, venture, or an “I’ and “e” to their names, jazzed up their offices and headed towards the public who were happy as long as they could pass on theirs buck to someone else. .

Not realizing the real game and noticing the fame. Wealth was been created on the basis of valuations. The public, governments and everyone else applauded technology companies and continued to create an environment deemed perfect for technopreneurs to set up operations.

Successful technopreneur’s, businessmen, and many others who were able to access billion dollar valuations and capital soon joined the bandwagon of setting up incubation companies. They were no longer satisfied with getting a piece of public listed companies and instead wanting to get closer to the action, incubation firms were springing up everywhere.

Traditional companies with experiences in construction and developments, used their excesses warehouses as incubation spaces, companies who had more office space then they could use, converted them into lab where startups could be breed and companies / individuals with nothing much to offer, went around as consultants offering strategic advice to the technopreneur in exchange for equity.

These were indeed the final days, but hope continued for technology and rasing  capital became increasingly difficult. Believers of the stock market continued to hope for a turnaround in the stock market and continued to leverage on the way down. With money becaming increasingly hard to raise from stock sales, most turned to trading services and products for equity, for the dot com, its equity was still in demand, although not cash, but for services and those who accepted such deals, their hope was the value of todays equity is still discounted in comparison to future potential. At least this was the hope for everyone.

With the Nasdaq peak in place and constant falling market prices, some venture capital firms and institutional investors were among the first few to realise the changing tides and started to quickly look for alternatives to let go their babies in their portfolio’s.

Some looked for suckers in the financial times for names listed on the stock market, while others were quick to realize the tides had changed and pushed their start-ups for market share instead of revenues and a phrase of consolidation prevailed.

Technology companies merged and consolidated to produce the largest media house, largest data storage company and largest companies of all sort, for it looked good for the public markets, but all the consolidation and expansion required capital and the dollars had already been spend before even a single dime was made.

For there was hope and a sucker in the role of an Individual investor in the public markets and such was their hope, that they invested their life savings on expectations of capital returns a hundred fold.

While some had parted with their life long savings betting on technology, others had simply bet and lost their careers, although stable , they staked it for the fame that came with being into technology. Presidents, ceo’s, manager’s and many had simply resigned form their daily routines, all wanting to take their shot at technology and Internet ventures.

Some quit to setup the next big thing, while others were simply wanting to get out of the boring careers, the Internet had offered everyone something, for some it was cash, for others fame and for the rest a chance to prove their inherent entrepreneurial qualities of Innovation.  The career changes that were occurring were indeed a very daring move for anyone, but all the basis of justification for doing so were there, the media had continued to trump success of technopreneurs and stories were abound of individuals risking their careers, marriages and whatever else to ante up in technology on this down move.

Stories were abound of how technology had changed the course of our life’s and how a simple farmer was able to boost productivity with the miracles created by technology, it was a daily occurrence in the local papers to read about how technology combined with biology were creating tissues to save mankind from mortality and how technology had boosted efficiency in the workplace.

But in all this the lesson was clear, time was short and plenty many hopefuls were waiting at the door, hoping to cash out of their tech investments, little did they know that the door had already closed.

With the pressure mounting and as the markets fell, investor’s appetite gradually disappeared and those who had already invested, started to feel the pain and complained, asking questions on how could they have invested in companies which looked so fantastic and yet had no revenues to prove their claims and for the companies who had no revenues, they justified by suggesting their innovation was unique and since so, it requires more capital to reach out to the masses, it requires more capital for education, marketing and in some cases completing product development.

With the markets collapsing, the downfall had squeezed all capital from the markets, investors and companies both were now looking for someone to blame their folly upon, as they both genuinely believed they had become part of a larger conspiracy theory, they increasingly started to look elsewhere to point their blame and claim for their pains.

For technopreneurs, they blamed their venture capital companies for not parting them with any more capital to burn, since it was the venture capital companies who originally preached them the ideas of developing market share instead of revenues, they had told their start-up’s to continue building market share via means of exposure and not focus on revenues, since a company with a greater exposure will be able to command higher premiums on the stock market.

The VC’s had advised their start-ups to execute the “GBF” strategy and to grow big fast and build up their first mover advantages, thinking this would allow the start-up to command significant market share first and then considerable amounts of revenues shall follow, a strategy also deployed by now defunct webvan and even used by in its earlier years. and Webvan both companies famous for “GBF” strategy relied heavily on access of capital from the public markets and had a powerful affliction that have since killed many dot com’s as well as traditional companies.

GBF is a captivating idea for management, even after its predicament often called for the purchase of assets or businesses that could add value to the overall bottom line of an organization.

Webvan picked up a range of warehouses across America, networked by pickup trucks driven by courteous drivers and hoped for customer satisfaction from lowered prices and an efficient delivery system, Similarly for Amazon, who because of its bulk purchasing power and country wide supply chain hoped that they could provide customers with an overall value proposition.

Once the doors were closed, additional fund raising became extremely difficult and companies depending on them were quickly to feel the pain first, in fact GBF is a very capital-intensive business. Cut off the capital and these companies fall in trouble.

The hope for many was that the Bull Run in the public markets would continue and provide for additional capital as and when required. Corporate America and its efficient management teams had become complacent due to the excess liquidity that was once available and with the bubble now bust, the test of the best was on the cards. The VC’s who once preached first mover advantage now started to learn first mover also is the one to to first hit deal stand woes.

Customers, Investors, employees and partners were now getting upset and were losing their patience, they wanted to know what was happening to their companies, their investments they had made, the products they had purchased and on the companies that were dealing with.

With their loss now turning into Anger, they first turned their attention to the Federal Reserve Chairman, Mr Allan Greenspan for not doing enough and with questions why the federal reserve was slow in reviving the economy and couldn’t the FEDS use a miracle pill to make all the pain go away similarly to the manner the FEDS had acted in the past.

In one of the occasional state of the union address, when the Federal Board met with the government to discuss on going’s issues in the economy, one Senator took the opportunity to question the chairman, asking him, on whether he the Fed Chairman was responsible for the market fallout as he chose to  raising interest rates during a time where economic growth was in question and by doing so the FEDS had drained the much required liquidity out of the system and made capital inaccessible for companies who depended on it for growth.

The senator like many others was feeling the pain from the fall in stock prices and when people feel the pain they often fail to remember the good times they had enjoyed due to the stock market rise over the last decade.

Everyone suddenly became upset with the Feds as this time around even actions of the FEDS had failed and the dot com crash was slowly exposing major flaws in the system. The FEDS even after aggressively cutting interest rates failed to provide any boost in stock market prices as well as a boost in lenders willing to borrow money. The financial markets and system was slowly beginning to get into a depression.

With little recourse, Investors started closely examining their portfolio companies, trying to find what was the real issue behind the lowered valuations and falling prices, they were searching now for a solution that would assist them in recovering part of the lost capital and provided them with some sort of justification for their folly.

They then turned towards Investment Bankers, Investment Houses and Market Analyst who had prided themselves with being one of the best money managers and analyst of all times, just before the crash. After all these could be the people who had benefited by selling stock to the public, they reckoned and these were the same people who had made bullish claims of Internet stocks that could never perform, their anger turned towards investment bankers for the reason that Investment bankers and  their respective houses could have been working in tandem to push stock to the public suckers, knowing that now they had been suckered, they questioned practices of professionalism in organizations as such.

Lawsuits flew left, right and center against merchant bankers, their analysts and all those who had misled the public into buying now worthless technology companies.

In all of this, there was some hope that if someone could be found guilty then at least part of the lost capital could be recovered, Little did they know, billions had already been lost and the worst ride was only beginning, The danger was too many companies had pulled the tricks on investors and one by one they were been exposed by the public and in doing so they were only eroding further value off the stock market, which they wanted to recover.

For Technopreneurs, they were many, many were indeed hopefuls, hoping for the market to turn so that their investors and companies could go public, the truth was they were still hoping for a free public lunch while the window opportunity for it had long been closed.


Technopreneurship – The Successful Entrepreneur in the New Economy – Daniel Mankani. Published 2003. Pearson Education Asia – All rights, copyright reserved Daniel Mankani { ISBN0-13-046545-3 }

Chapter The (False) Hope >>> Technopreneurship-The Successful Entrepreneur In The New Economy.

Back to the Beginning.
The Greed:
The Ignorant, Zombies:
Chart Patterns:
Introduction to Technical Analysis.

Revolutionary Transformation Ongoing.
– Global Economic Collapse  January 18, 2016

And Why;
Technopreneurship Development – Daniel Mankani.
– Published Sep 2003. Pearson Education Asia

]]> Perception vs Reality Sun, 22 Jan 2017 10:58:29 +0000 Perception of the Mind. Daniel Mankani.

Perception of the mind, no one can answer. What is wrong or right?, What is the right way forward, No one can tell you?. Is it not?

What you know, is due to some external influences, some experiences of strong emotion of the past, deeply ingrained, which drives your next perception, idea or thought, in the direction, towards the direction, of your own self made fantasy, creation or concept, which was in someway, important to know, and impact, which came about or budded up from that, deeply ingrained emotional impact, that you somehow experienced, and this became, your first budding memory of pain and brought about fear.

While, me too am experiencing an enlightening moment, on this subject, me too am searching, for the definite answer, me too, am driven by thoughts of perception and reality, experiences, which too, came from somewhere.

Crooks of every kind, manipulators of the human mind.

I would also like to believe that, this is my own creation and i am a genius, too.

Look, see, do like me. Truth is; this knowledge, that I have recently acquired, is also a creation of my recent developments.

Its all an influence from somewhere, somewhere external.

There are no coincidences, or luck by chance, its strategic. And as an analyst, its one’s task to question everything.

And as a trader, we trade only in the direction of the trend. if last bar is up?. Are you long or short, on the current bar? Are you against the trend? or in favour of the cycle?.

What is your longer term objective? Where do you think, its heading?, Where is your STOP?

Do you have trades on the trend or against it?
And, Why?

The game of Speculation; is a constant battle of perception vs reality.

Trade the path of least resistance is the cardinal rule always, what happened past, is likely to follow, to continue, amid some setbacks, on the journey, observe the momentum, to tell you, when it bends. Human Behaviour is ingrained, markets don’t change, till human’s do.

Know the BEAST!. If you are looking for hocus pocus, then its hope playing out ON you,

know HOPE, cause that is what 2017 will bring. 2017 will remove the illusion of authority, the illusion of economic recovery, which then begets, a revolutionary, creative destructive move to the downside. Starting anytime, just about now.


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What 2017 will bring? Mon, 16 Jan 2017 10:53:23 +0000 The Sanity of Man. Each one wants to know,
what 2017 will bring. – Daniel Mankani

Such is the time, of the year, where every great mystic,
wants to try out his mind. He predicts the future.
What he is really identifying; it’s the trend. Is it not?

The Path of Least Resistance.

Its not hard, but its all there to see. But you choose sometimes, to do not,
maybe on the basis of fear, of what, your mind might see.

Fact is; Nothing is by surprise, but by design.
And those design patterns are all out there, for every one to see.

Here is an example; of what we have witnessed, over the last few years to a decade.

Trends. Geo-Politics.
1990-2000 {Russia withdraws from Afghanistan, after a defeat, Russia was kept engaged in Afghanistan for so long, that in fact, it ran out of money, This was the Russian default and the collapse of USSR.

{ Fact is; Russia was by design, kept engaged for so long, only cause of the Taliban, which was a proxy warrior team of the CIA, Russia was already engaged in a losing war, a war, where a systematic disciplined force, couldn’t perform against guerilla tactics of the rebels, which made Russia run out of Afghanistan in DEFEAT, and this only happened within 12 months, of the rebels, obtaining the stinger missiles, cause it was by design, that engaging your enemy on the battle field, for so long, that it expends all its energy and depletes all its resources, will eventually ensure its collapse, a strategy deployed in the art of warfare for centuries. Hence, despite the Americans owning such missiles as far back as the early 1980’s, they didn’t give those to the Taliban earlier than 1989, hence the reasoning is a good strategy, played out of design, a pattern can now be recognized, if this ever happens, ever again. }

2000-2008 {America finds itself under attack in 2001. Its response; starts another war in Afghanistan, against the very rebels, that they once owned. Next comes a war in Iraq, then, comes the 2007-2008 Great Depression.

{ Fact is; America finds itself as the only super power, which then; engages in various overseas expensive, non productive adventures. Many of them engaged in without any reasoning, just the drums of war for no apparently reason, possibly GREED, all legalised on by great speculation, acts of crime was been committed in the name of democracy for the world. America over the last centuries have bombed more than 50 countries, just to retain, its hold as a super power. Truth is America; is on a decline as it lost its, higher ground of morality, its adventures in Iraq, were build on false premises and greed, since most politicians of that time, were all involved in IRAQ deals, this by itself, became exposed and everyone, who had the eyes to see, , this then in itself, empowered the world. One by one, everyone questioned, What Moral Authority, whenever America called out a Red Line, no one took heed, Today; America is on a state of decline, a vanishing super power, and with huge debts on its head.

2008-2012 { Global Revolutions brought about by extreme high commodity prices, partially caused by the EL NINO, affect. Revolutions broke out in almost all parts of the middle east, all within a very short time. And the ramifications of those, looked like it could also happen worldwide simultaneously.

 So where do we stand today…?.
Especially on the USA-RUSSIA relations. Its for every reason, that Russia may have / will intervene in the USA Elections, after all they do have, every intent and motivation to do so, this is something, that all of us, have to understand.

Note just before the top, first came greed. Pride before the fall.
../to be continued.

{See Riding The Second Wave, to avoid the suspense. After GREED,. comes HOPE in the series, which will be the time, of 2017 and beyond.
The Path of Least Resistance.

…. In the meanwhile, why not, try out your hand, at Dynamictrader Stock Scanner, a selection tool for your equity markets, we cover over a dozen markets, you can scan for stocks in those respective markets and create your own shopping list; the coming market move, will provide you good opportunity, for doing this..

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Inquiry Thu, 15 Sep 2016 03:23:24 +0000

Ignorance and Illusion, An Inquiry

Download. Sadhguru-Ignorance 

Know the Beast. DirectLink:

Understand; Equilibrium 

  1. a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.
    “the maintenance of social equilibrium”
    synonyms: balance, symmetry, equipoise, parity, equality;

    “the equilibrium of the economy”
    • a state of physical balance.
      “I stumbled over a rock and recovered my equilibrium”
    • a calm state of mind.
      “his intensity could unsettle his equilibrium”
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