Trends Archives - Idealbroker Foreign Exchange, Financial Futures Options and Stocks in over 60 Countries with your own personal private professional advisor broker - Sat, 11 May 2019 10:10:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Trends Archives - Idealbroker 32 32 Get Ready! To Party just like 1999. Get Ready to Rocket. Sat, 11 May 2019 10:10:46 +0000 11-May-2019/; The effected result of the New Tariffs imposed on China is expected to result in further squeezing of the American Consumer which by some expectations could result in up to US$800/- per family in America with PMI, Economy and Employment suffering going ahead and with the brunt of it to hit on the consumer.

The Financial markets on the other hand have not only reversed all their losses and made new highs just two weeks prior and going into the FOMC, Trump’s tweets further reimposes the idea that indeed to counter the ill effects of his own trade policies China is stimulating their country and mighty America ought to do the same.

These two tweets spread around like Snapwire hot off the press, Signalling the party is about to start like wildfire.

If Indeed this is the case, it would need a move down to at least 10% off current highs to make it convenient for Powell to follow up on Trump’s monetary policy tactic of even further loose monetary policy and to go by any recent evidence, its exactly what China just did after the new tariffs had taken the wind out of its economic sails, They too went up like a Rocket!.

The last time such a scenario presented itself was in the Summer of October 1998, when our regular bouts of Bailouts first began and the stock market party like no tomorrow, Here is what happened then.

President Trump logic is relative simple, We print money big big, debt becomes small, poverty is uplifted. Debt is a cause of poverty, when you are unable to keep most of what you ever make, much akin like taxes, and if the government takes more like now in the case of tariffs, no matter what consumption suffers. Lets Print new values and isn’t it how we fix things for the better part of the last century.

And maybe just maybe that is what indeed the world economy needs, a mechanism to inflate the outstanding load of debt away, with more money in circulation, inflation gets back, eroding money value by a regular consistent percentage and with that higher incomes to compensate for a relative stable debt load that deflates while money inflates at the same time.

Whilst these higher values in higher cost paid and higher incomes received will result in enhanced GDP figures and in turn make debt ratios looking relatively smaller and may give a boost to the global economy which is stagnating and quickening at the same time. Some options mapped out by Merrill Lynch;

So what will it take to get us there.

We all know the federal reserve and all central banks will panic once the market turns down 10%, last December that’s exactly when Powell turned dovish and two months prior the Federal Reserve was tapering, today there is no greater evidence to prove Central Banks policy is not data driven nor it is independent, it is geared towards perception management and the stock market is hardly reflective of the underlying conditions of the real economy on the ground, but nevertheless they try.

So like in the summer of 1998, when the LTCM collapse came and in the same summer were legendary  traders like Neiderhoffer went bankrupt and Veteran Trader George Soros went short into the dot com rally before losing 60% of his bet and going long near the highs. The Party like 1998 is about to start, we just need a systematic collapse and never let a crisis go to waste.

What are the leading thoughts of China in all of this….

The last time such a scenario presented itself was in the Summer of October 1998, when our regular bouts of bailouts first began and the stock market party like no tomorrow began, The Stock market made higher highs with the Nasdaq rallying in over 500% in 16 months from the LTCM lows and a party like no tomorrow had begun, which wouldn’t turn till the greatest fool of all had gone long. Here is how it happened back then.

How we just screwed the consumer, each family to be affected by 800/- dollars per year by Trumps trariffs on China, this last Friday. 10th May 2019.

Your Guess Is As Good As Mine.

Further Reading
{cognitive dissonance}  Animal Spirits, Bubbles, Mania’s and Market Peaks.
{cognitive dissonance}  FOMO Signs of the Euphoric. The Bust is almost near!
{cognitive dissonance}  BITCOIN – A Fraud and Ponzi in a Disillusioned World:
{cognitive dissonance}  The Greed:
The Hope:
{cognitive dissonance}  The Ignorant, Zombies:
{cognitive dissonance}  Perception vs Reality:
Revolutionary Transformation Ongoing. 
– Global Economic Collapse January 18, 2016

Deflate or Inflate: The Path Forward – Daniel Mankani Tue, 30 Oct 2018 05:03:00 +0000 The period of greed is ending and a sense of denial prevails.

Since the great financial crisis nothing much has changed, the excessive stimulus had two major effects, zombification of the economy and concentration of wealth in newer and fewer hands hence inequality.

Inequality is a consequence of those who could game the system versus those who couldn’t.

Zombification occurs when financial prudence takes a backseat and gives way to euphoric gun slinging behavior in the hope of what works past will always continue to do so and leads to even more of the same, essentially what this does is; it kills all demand as excessive capacity increases and utilization of the same suffers. The other affect out of this is capital seeking returns pile onto the very same processes which are high yielding, eventually destroying yields as supply increases and demand suffers.



Economic growth is not infinite and never can be. Boom and bust cycles are an inherent part of the capitalist economy just like in human’s nature, We tend to do what works till it stops working and we tend to avoid what doesn’t work and try something new.

Economies across the world have now lost the last leg of growth, it started with cash for clunkers for the auto-sector, then lowering interest rates to the housing sector, student loans for enhanced education and corporate loans for stock buy backs and the Federal Reserve now says no more.


At the bottom of every cycle there is fear and we are far from it, hence looking for a bottom at these levels is futile.

Each and every cycle begins with greed and euphoria, by avoiding the corrective behavior of the last great financial crisis of 2008, market participants are once again looking towards where will be the next level lower be before the Federal Reserve will act and put it in bid and unleash another round of quantitative easing or at what level the Federal Reserve folds with their interest rates tightening process.

There is now a new school of thought taking hold of “deficits do not matter” and as long as the continued stimulus is provided to the economy eventually everything will get better and if Japan can do it; Why can’t we?. There is no escaping debt, especially so when Interest rates have been kept low to such an extreme creating a situation of Zombification of the entire economy.

its this continued stimulus to the economy and these Keynesian ideas which has got the world in the big mess in the very first place. As a reminder the continued stimulus destroys fiscal balance sheets and today we have consumers, companies and governments maxing out on their credit lines and for all the new additions simply add capacity resulting in the worsening of the glut, evidently seen in real estate, infrastructure, car sales, etc while real utilization, growth, and demand has suffered. Japan at one time even mailed coupons money to spur their domestic consumption spending and it didn’t work yet the pundits today are floating ideas of “Universal Basic Income” as a means of one’s birth right to the “feed me” crowd who expect governments to provide cradle to grave support, while governments own fiscal balance sheets are so impaired, they may be hard to survive.

What comes next after bear markets is a recession and if its prolonged then it becomes a depression, something which the central banks will have to avoid at all cost as further downside is flashing red, “Sovereign Debt Crisis” alternatively the hunt for money begins with higher taxes as interest rates rise in tandem with this comes austerity next and further tightening of the economy, which may result in another period of Revolutionary Spring as seen in the first quarter of 2011, this time it could be worldwide.

Bear Markets have taken hold, the path forward beckons the question, inflate or deflate and no matter which way the outcome it’s filled with a whole lot of pain.

Conclusion: Deep structural policy reforms have to occur based on deployment of real metrics and the diversification of the underlying economy in earnest, hopefully with the coming pain the greatest motivator for change comes next as well.

Significant challenges remain ahead.
./ stay tuned.







Your Guess Is As Good As Mine.

Further Reading
{cognitive dissonance}  Animal Spirits, Bubbles, Mania’s and Market Peaks.
{cognitive dissonance}  FOMO Signs of the Euphoric. The Bust is almost near!
{cognitive dissonance}  BITCOIN – A Fraud and Ponzi in a Disillusioned World:
{cognitive dissonance}  The Greed:
The Hope:
{cognitive dissonance}  The Ignorant, Zombies:
{cognitive dissonance}  Perception vs Reality:
Revolutionary Transformation Ongoing. 
– Global Economic Collapse January 18, 2016

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High Debts + Stagnation lead to ww1, ww2, Trade Wars, Sanctions are just the beginning. Daniel Mankani Sat, 14 Apr 2018 04:05:59 +0000

High Debts, Stagnating Economy, lead to ww1, ww2, and now ww3. Trade Wars and Sanctions are just the beginning of world war 3. American Supremacy is questioned, Central banks narrative of global growth is collapsing and mirrored in high debts, external enemies are created and fought to keep the narrative alive at home. Is this just not good economics; If we took the narrative of central banks then its indeed “FAKE NEWS”. – Daniel Mankani.

More of that later; but indeed, there is another narrative, Lets look at the cross roads on where the world stands today.


1) Nationalism is rising with it Protectionist Policies.

2) Global Migration is at its highest, mostly caused by prosecution of the free.

3) Economic Transformation mostly driven due to automation and technology.

4) America the accidental empire, global supremacy is been questioned.

5) The Rise of China and the end of Petro-Dollar.

6) The Biggest Elephant in the House called Student Loans.

This has resulted in High Debts and a Stagnating Global Economy.

Most of these trends although look coincidental but are systematic and by design.

The Economy is in a constant flux moving from highs and lows, booms, bubbles and subsequent corrections and busts are all part of this ebb and flow. Most importantly in all of these cycles one needs to identify at which stage one is at in the ongoing cycle to act accordingly and if subject of study is price or data then to be successful one is to have no bias and discard all noise.

Its only with such dedication to remain objective with the data and not incorporating our own biases one achieves consistent systematic execution’s and does not need to re-validate his own expectations of taking in subjective biased data which in the end fools no one but the analyst himself.

In light of the Cambridge Analytica scandal with Facebook this has indeed given a very bad name to “Think Tanks or Big Data” companies. Cambridge Analytica was never a big data company, nor a data scientist. They scrapped data which is publicly available and at other times available via data “breaches or leaks”.

Facebook is a marketing company whose main product is “eyeballs, attention spans, page views and clicks”, Every company on the Internet makes money from these “eyeballs, attention spans, page views and clicks”. None of it is hard to understand, if one’s “pay reward” is associated with an “enhanced arbitrage”, then why not, says; the capitalist business world.

FACEBOOK ANALYTICS – The product is you!

             {Above Images "Facebook Analytics ; The product is you.} 

Fake News

To end the discussion on Fake News!. Its simply what doesn’t fit the narrative of the designer of the system is called Fake News, what doesn’t go with the narrative or perception that has to be created and brainwashed individuals embolden, this is called Fake News and we fired the first warning shots with a debate on illusions and perceptions, if after all governments wants to control their narrative as true and manufacturer conditions to be favorable then this bias is corrupt to the core and will eventually end with disaster as no one can hide from the truth, especially when everything is made transparent via the deployment of technology, therefore its essential to understand the underlying forces of each major trend we are witnessing and you will notice its not much different that before.

At BTAMSC, In our attempt to understand history too. Our Back data is as much as 5000 years. The crisis upon us next is all driven by the simplest of simplest causes, excessive bubbles due to central banks excessive stimulus. The expansion of Monetary Units in order to retain the narrative that all is good and fine when its not. Cause if it is, how do we explain.

A) The Excessive low in lending rates.
B) The expansionary populist policy of doling out money to the masses.
C) Sovereign Budget Deficits and the pile on debt.
D) The hunt for money.. Rising Taxes and Deterioration of the Middle Class.

{Above Images, WW1, propaganda machine}

The product is you, every step of the way consent is attempted to be manufactured but the manner in which its undertaken draws to attention that this is indeed dangerous times and everything that you read online is not necessarily true. Its for any and every individual to guess-estimate-validate for themselves what is true. Any other type of system of propaganda falls apart pretty quickly as fast as real time.

This is the age of technology and hence every thing is documented almost immediately in real time, what was said yesterday and what really was true can switch sides and opinions in a matter of minutes as they say in the stock markets, a short against a lie goes down much faster than the one based on the truth, truth therefore is fundamental to any narrative, a rising stock on good fundamentals is evident based on its underlying’s revenues but a buzz stock only lasts high till the buzz is on.

Facebook, Tesla, Linkedin are all fads and they come and go but investors are piled on to such many stocks in the dreams of holding them forever. This complacency will end in tears when the entire world are long the very same stocks, whose stock buybacks rise as many piled on debt to trade their own stocks, so what else is new, exactly the type of story of the roaring twenties and the rise of interest rates, culminating into a massive bust and the great depression in 1929.

Which in turn gave rise to World War 2 and economic prosperity only returned three decades later as nations fought out each other, culminating in the bust of the British empire and making america the accidental empire.

The evidence for this fact is the public exposure of Main Stream Media channels biased against President Trump during the election campaigning or it can indeed also be said that they were reporting the truth, while they were maligned as Biased Channels.

Main Stream Media untruthfulness gave rise to Alternative Media channels, in the end its the traffic and discussions all channels provide and their readerships numbers which manufacturers a certain kind of consent, while the opposing party only other defense is to discredit what doesn’t fit the narrative as fake news, I would say such questioning is actually good making everyone to question everything and to expose more fundamental truths.

However the case, the false narrative can never last long and this causes many more problems. Everyone has the right to develop their own truths and populism brings about them together and results into Nationalism, which in turn has resulted in “closed door policies”, protectionist to varying degrees, with the economy semi autonomously and globally connected via technology and for its transparency that it brings, if untruth facts are inputted and a system designed to fool itself then a systematic crash is bound to happen within crash time frames, which are here now and therefore global trends are dangerous poised as in earlier times.

High Debts resulted into malinvestments which in turned wrecked the economy causing it to stagnate as government expenditure continues to rise and the cost spend of all those bills will soon come due. Trade Wars and Sanctions are just the beginning. The wars since 2003 was costly, America is on the edge, losing out its supremacy as all nations have already picked sides, on the economic front a recession is due, at which point the question to ask is; what will the federal reserve do? Continue to hike or let the dollar loose.


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The March Forward, Gold Breaks 1326, Trump the Dollar, The Emperor with no Clothes. Sun, 14 Jan 2018 10:50:05 +0000 Daniel Mankani

Last year GOLD Break at 1226 was based on the trump inflation trade, tax cuts and infrastructure spending boost, unleashing a call for revolution, “Lets Make America Great”, lets march on to even greater heights. The march forward, gold breaks 1326, Trumps the Dollar at 52 week lows, telling us “The Emperor is with no New Clothes”. Gold targets 1400 and even higher levels. Dollar Yen is back in “Safe Haven Play”. Expect Risk off traders to begin momentum. The bursting of all Bubbles and the Melt Up nearing its end.

[stock_forex_markets_heat_map settings=”type=stock;background=#fff”]

EYES ON THE BALL: Gold bottomed in December 2015, similarly its around the same time many other major commodities bottomed as well. This break today of 1326 is making higher highs.

Friday’s high of almost 1340 is now approaching key resistance levels. In the manner and the strength of the rally, in my mind the momentum is strong enough targeting highest highs. A MARCH ON has began.

1400 is on the cards.
In 2017 alone gold settled 10% higher and dollar slumped the same. Whilst most of this gold gains coming in the last week of the year. On December 11th, we called the lows and here is why; In 2015:Gold Breaks 1226| This in itself was the first announcement gold rallies of highest high has began. It is notable of what a week change can do to personal annual portfolio’s. Just a week before December 11th 2017, Gold traded near 1237 lows. But it never did threaten 1226 again. You Know Why!.

Since that Gold Breaks 1226 report the Stock Market has marched on even higher. It feels a long time since then, but stocks a year ago and today have the greatest change as well as no meaningful correction for a very long time.

What’s going on? its was 43 days back then without the S&P having a meaning full correction. Now that period will be almost a year. { Gold Breaks 1226 }.Stocks and Gold have rallied even after the Federal Reserve Last Interest Rate Hike, both have marched higher!.

ANIMAL SPIRITS are ongoing, the melt-up continues and nearing another area of potential peaks. But how did we get here. fear of missing out as demonstrated in the fraud and a ponzi called crypto-currencies of which is also Bitcoin.

TRUMP the Emperor who has no Clothes.

Laugh and Know
But making fun of the high and mighty is what we do here at the Diary.

“Laugh and know,” said the Roman poet Martial. You can understand the pretensions… the foolish contradictions… and the absurd fantasies… only if you’re able to laugh at them.

Specifically, we were laughing at the way The Donald has bamboozled his own base. He talks their talk. But he walks the walk of the Deep State.


Mr. Trump is a showman.

quoting Frank Zappa, “politics is basically the entertainment arm of the military/industrial complex.”

We would add that it serves the social welfare/Wall Street complex, too. Trump – veteran reality TV star and professional wraslin’ fan – distracts the voters while the insiders pick their pockets.

An Emperor With No New Clothes.

Its a great wikipedia story; What happens to Bullion Banks? What happens when those excessive contratual agreements which are more than the physical underlying begins to chase for the Physical, where none so exist as much as they have loaned out. What happens when the short covering begins? The unravelling of the 30’yrs low and lower low only, directional trade of Treasuries Bonds. What happens then?

Major FX Rates Changes

Dollar Closes at 52 weeks Lows on Friday.


Your guess is as good as mine!. Watch where the dollar is going? Its down 10% at the 52 weeks low and closing in to break in even lower. The last time this happened was in 2003. Look-up what happened in 2003! Also a republican and the start of world wars!

Gold Hits Highest High! “December 2012”. End of the World Rally!.

Last week Wednesday market reaction to “China may diversify send dollar tumbling and yields on the 10 yrs spooked at 2.63 highs. Since December 2015 gold has consistency made higher highs. Recent mining industry reports also suggest while demand grew in Asia, especially India and China for gold imports, gold annual production is in decline, additionally; China has become the highest gold producer in the world and do you see any external China Gold Exports???.

What happens? When contractual obligations are greater than the underlying?

Caveat Emptor in what you believe in. Complacency is at play across every society.

World Dollar Forex Heat Maps

[stock_forex_markets_heat_map settings=”type=forex;background=#fff”]

Watch where it is Green and Where it is Red. Look at FX Maps Above. When we break below the 90”s, dollar drops with momentum.

“Quoting from the dollar collapse blog.

Looking at just this one indicator, it would be reasonable to assume that gold’s all-too-brief run is about to end. But on the other side of this equation is the certainty that physical demand will eventually swamp these paper games and send gold and silver up in a bitcoin-worthy arc to their intrinsic values of $5,000/oz and $100/oz, respectively.

Therein lies the gold-bug’s dilemma. Precious metals will bounce around aimlessly – until they don’t – but the phase change won’t be obvious until after the fact. With that in mind, here are three possible approaches:

Avoid this asset class until a sustained uptrend is clearly established. That means waiting for, say, $1,500/oz before jumping in. So you give up a few hundred dollars an ounce in return for avoiding the pointless back-and-forth, but in the end still triple your money. Not bad.

Keep adding a little at a time. Each month buy a few silver coins or a few more gold mining shares and tune out the noise (such as this article), safe in the knowledge that eventually the dysfunctional global monetary system will come undone and capital will pour into the relative handful of safe haven assets like gold and silver, making the highs and lows of the before-times completely irrelevant. This is the best way to deal with incomplete knowledge of the future, and is therefore what most people should do.

Assume that this is it — that the current uptrend will soon go parabolic — and jump into precious metals with both feet. If it works, it’s one of those life-changing bets that everyone wishes they had the guts to make. If not, well, at least the downside is limited at this point.
The longer this goes on, the more attractive the third option becomes.

Trump the Dollar.

The March is on, your guess is as good as mine!.

Back to the Beginning.
BITCOIN – A Fraud and Ponzi in a Disillusioned World:
The Greed:
The Hope:
The Ignorant, Zombies:
Perception vs Reality:
Chart Patterns:
Introduction to Technical Analysis.


Revolutionary Transformation Ongoing.
– Global Economic Collapse January 18, 2016

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Signs of the Euphoric. The Bust is almost near! Wed, 22 Nov 2017 12:49:35 +0000 Signs of the Euphoric. The Bust is almost near! – Daniel Mankani.

These activities cannot continue, Euphoria with Fear is taking hold.

Its called. FOMO! Fear of Missing Out.

Time and time again, we have witnessed the repeat of similar patterns.

There comes a time where irrationality takes hold and common sense has no holding, the two most talked about tech trends for the year 2017 is blockchain and artificial intelligence.

There are genuine concerns to what man has become in its evolution and we may very well be at the very early beginnings in the making of the zombies.

Artificial Intelligence drives human behaviour and thought, which in turn motivates processes.

This is leading many to develop illusionary perceptions and making one live “Imaginary Illusionary Life’s”.

Albeit temporary, {Perception vs Reality:}

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Netflix, Apple and Google as the gatekeepers into these realms.

Kingdom’s of Imaginary Secondary Life’s we call them. Each manipulating human thought in their own selfish interest to survive!.

Unbeknownst to them about their creative actions is leading many into zombies world.

The concerns of many are genuine, what if, just what if, someone gets stuck inside VR for a month.

What will become of such person? and yes the web is 70% porn and paedophilia rules elites minds, pizzagate they call this.

Guccifer 2.0 recent hacks into the DNC one of many, Elections Swinging, Panama Papers, USA Cables, Snowden and WikiLeaks.

They all Exist yet none is talking about this in “MainStream!”. What doesn’t fit into the narrative is referred to as “Fake News”.

Human Consciousness has to evolve above the machines and it will when it has too. Take a look at this.


As Alan Watts Rightly Explains;

We as Humans have to agree to disagree collectively.

Our evolutionary speed has caught up with us and will soon drive us in the mode for self survival.

Humans have to collectively evolve both ruled and rulers.

The technology revolution is underway. Its not hard to see the affects of the current trends.

  1. Awakening of human consciousness and the risk to established order.
  2. The non presence of any international law and order. US Supremacy is been questioned.
  3. A new global transformative economy largely driven by technology.

2012 was just the beginning of such awakening and now we are picking up speed and momentum.

Capitalism and the need for power has always lead to Cannibalism.

Humans on the other hand tend to evolve at rapid speed only at the precipice of change.

We are complacent beings otherwise, we don’t prepare for exams next year but when it arrives.

Its only with pain that we change. This time will be no different.

A revolutionary change is upon us in the manner we conduct Life’s and Society.

At no time in History, we see so many changes around us.

  1. Chaos in more than 50 countries around the world.
  2. Loss of faith in Government and Money. Blockchain, Bitcoin and Crypto currencies.
  3. Unprecedented central bank stimulus policies and malinvestment in financial markets.
  4. Ongoing wars and regional political disputes in the Entire Middle East.
  5. Massive amount of migration across borders changing local landscapes with economic migrants and war refugees.
  6. Populism is on the rise in the west due to economic insecurity. Nationalism for others seeking concentration of power.

From the evolution of thought came the questioning on the validity of Money, the reflection of which is fear and greed driven, see crypto currencies, especially bitcoin.

Bitcoin and Crypto currencies are adopted by many questioning central banks accountability on the results of their excessive printing of government fiat money, unprecedented as it, its unaccountable to a much certain degree and one of the main reasons of malinvestment {ˌmalɪnˈvɛstm(ə)nt/ } across many sectors.

Hence tapering has begun and the singing tunes of interest rate hikes.

The problem is in the narrative, that indeed the economy has recovered completely and whether human life is in any better conditioning, than before, it’s not.

Over the last decade since the great financial crisis, wealth inequality has grown, climate change is much more evident, economic transformation is ongoing, whereby we move away from manufacturing jobs into the service economy, which in turn is forecasted to be largely “digitally driven” , this mass shift has resulted into disastrous affects on employability and depression like conditions in many parts of society.

“HAVE” and “HAVE NOTs” have grown, leading into another set of disastrous clearly visible evident conditions, threatening established order across all sectors. Sometimes it feel’s like no one is in charge.


Are we in bubble territory yet?

It’s just not mathematically possible to continue down this path or else big revolution is coming for the elites. This is history! Patterns and cycles repeat, if true a massive culling of the herd without one there can be no sustainability. We will run out of resources sooner or later, expansion can never be to infinity, yet our billionaires are euphorically looking to mine asteroids in space. If this is not pure insanity then what is?

Global Wealth Disparity. The Pyramid!

Share of top shareholders global wealth.

The Top of the Pyramid.

Sooner or later income disparity will lead to little in disposable income and next comes the bust in the consumer driven economy.

Global Wealth Pyramid.

Regional membership of global wealth.

Number of dollar millionaires, % global total.

Change by country.

Ultra High Net Worth.

We are currently hiring!, Join us to disrupt the disruptors

You may work for any of these start-ups.

Cloud based solution, SocialNetwork platform, Alternative News Media,, P2P+Merchant Solutions, Virtual and Social Gifting, Ebooks Magazine Store, Expats community site,, Free online educational platform and virtual office platform

We are currently hiring!, Join us to disrupt the disruptors

… the story continues.

Get to know us.


Technopreneurship – The Successful Entrepreneur in the New Economy – Daniel Mankani. Published 2003. Pearson Education Asia – All rights, copyright reserved Daniel Mankani { ISBN0-13-046545-3 }

Chapter The Greed >>> Technopreneurship-The Successful Entrepreneur In The New Economy.

Back to the Beginning.
BITCOIN – A Fraud and Ponzi in a Disillusioned World:
The Greed:
The Hope:
The Ignorant, Zombies:
Perception vs Reality:
Chart Patterns:
Introduction to Technical Analysis.


Revolutionary Transformation Ongoing.
– Global Economic Collapse January 18, 2016

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Gold breaks 1226. Mon, 06 Feb 2017 23:47:16 +0000 [stock_forex_markets_heat_map settings=”type=stock;background=#fff”]

Most traders have just returned after the long Chinese New Year holidays.

Today, Asia

Is a force to reckon with, namely South East Asia, with Hong Kong leading, Singapore, Tokyo, Shanghai, Mumbai and Kuala Lumpur are increasingly becoming Financial Capital Centre’s and holidays here are often in tandem with quite low volumes in;


And America’s Market.

What does this mean? Your guess is as good as mine. – Daniel Mankani

In any case, Chinese New Year holidays always bring memories of

China tweaked some of its short term interest rates to the upside and gold has now broken out of its top max resistance. In December 2016, we highlighted, that; if Gold breaks above 1226, it will be time to pay attention on matters of geo-political, deteriorating international relations and may provide clues of picked up momentum, massive confusion and chaos in global order and this will; also indicate the coming peak in the US dollar. The US dollar is indeed the greatest bubble of our time’s.

And Its not coincidental that the greatest bankruptcy expert reins leadership on the most bankrupt nation on the planet. It may seem to you, that this is a coincidence, but as highlighted in various other past postings of ours, its not coincidence, but by design. Historically, there has been no country or empire that has come out unscathed by engaging in useless, expensive, overseas wars, which add to it no added benefit, but just providing a feeling of benevolence. That’s America for you, today!.

What is Dynamic Trader, Trend Trading Dynamics & Disclaimer’s

Stocks are flashing RED.

Albeit, this chart is from 2013.


Stocks have been kept elevated by global central banks buying equities with both fists. This regular interventionist activities by such groups, is an attempt to create a misunderstanding and drive a perception, with the hope, that it manifests itself, that all is well.

Such is an experiment, that former Federal Reserve chairman, Mr Ben Bernanke undertook, in order not to let the economy hurt, as badly, as it did, in the great depression.

Dollar Yen Threatening Weekly Lows. Its not only gold. Flashing RED.

The equity market and its underlying is fundamentally driven, you can only create an illusion and as much so, only till, such a time, that the illusion can take hold by itself and manifest itself, but when you have multiple time cycles coinciding at the same time and they are against it, such an attempt can indeed lead to a much undesirable behaviour and a threatening outcome, which again, by itself, repeats itself.

Foolhardy, as it all seems now. Not only Stocks, debt and money too is manipulated at much greater levels.

Even back then in the roaring twenties, there was also a Mr; Bernanke back then, who also would have tried his hand at the shadow game of perception management. past charts are simply, reflective of those times, which again repeat itself with greater volatility.

./update.21:50hrs KL: Remember this; The down move will announce itself with a min of 2% move.
Additionally, US Stocks have not have had a 1% move over the last 43 days.

What does this mean? Your guess is as good as mine.

Key Stats.
Gold Key Levels: 1180.55 {Support}
1260 { Pivotal Resistance |
2017 Low: 1146.05 | High: 1244.76
2016 Low: 1060.54 | High: 1375.17
Historical High: 1920.74 {09/2011}
Recent Bottom: 1046.18 {12/2015}
Short Term Bias: Bullish / Peaking
Medium Term Bias: Bearish / Bottoming
Long Term Bias: Bullish.

When SPX breaks down, gold could be nearing 1243. A potential stopping zone within 1238-1243 region. If stalled, then 1218 needs to provide support, a move below here, opens up 1200 and 1185, fooled ya for X-Mas plays out. Am expecting two things at the same time.

A break of SPX as well as stalling of gold near 1238-1243 region. Now, although both markets are closely co-related, Ceteris Paribus; SPX down has seen gold bids at most times, this occurrence has been on a tick-by-tick basis and as if, GOLD is a safe haven / Trump INFLATION play.

With the current setup, there is now an even great possibility that gold break downs, as the fools rush in, setup completes in the stock and bonds markets.

Each and every time, right at the peak, first the stock market sells off and gold rises with noble intentions, once here too, fools rush in completes, the sell off begins, momentously driven further as the stock plunges takes greater hold. my speculative mind tells me, it may be right about this time the collapse hits, And we see gold too, sells off, this has happened at the apex of every peak. This coming sell off, could offer an even enhanced; buying opportunity.

No different this time.

./ We shall see.,


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A dangerous bend in the road. Sun, 29 Jan 2017 02:52:03 +0000 Stock markets remain elevated, driven up euphoria on trumps victory, what it all is; This is HOPE, the period of disbelieve before reality.

A dangerous bend in the road. – Daniel Mankani.
Where am i going? There is a turn just ahead. Oh, its bending, I can’t see, where its going?

While the Dow Industrials remain near all-time highs, the Utilities are well off of their highs; this has signaled trouble in the past.

Once again, nothing is by chance, you may think coincidence, but lets speculate for a while, its all by design, shall we?

The demographics don’t tally, the system is build for only one way, a mechanism that just inflates, it is just infallible, and so, it may seem.

Then comes the bend on the road and you can’t see destination next and remain in hope, just soon, around the corner, I may be able to see, then it eludes you.

That’s what hope does, to you, is it not?. The Period of Hope has begun. {2017-2018}.
Hope report of 2001, dot com bust is here.

In our recent observations.

The Dow Closed above the 20000 MARK for the first time ever.
The Pound had one of the largest up move days since 1997.
And various such observations, this past week.


Opportunities are Present.

Almost a decade from the greatest recession the world has ever seen, markets are higher highs, property prices higher too and they are even headed higher. Governments or rather politicians have started once again with their populist spin and are resorting to blaming developers, property investors and civic approving bodies of irresponsibility and possibly greed. This happened in 2011-2013.

Various countries thereafter in Asia, implemented property cooling measures, first which began in Singapore, Hong-Kong and then spilled over to Malaysia. So, where do we stand today.

Despite all efforts for the property cooling measures, the fact remains that property prices remain elevated high, professional speculators have exited from the markets completely, while there have been pockets of weakness with some property players, who had not anticipated the affects of the cooling measures, coupled with the slowdown in the economy, as well as with the effects of economic transformation, this in essence is failure of not planning for the rainy day and akin to getting caught with your pant downs, those in such situations, find dire straits and are liquidating at any possible costs. Some breakage in the momentum is present and this will increase as we head lower.

Why: Understand this;

The economic transformation is having a deflationary total affect on the economy, jobs are lost in some sectors and possibly never coming back, Mr Trump with all good intentions, wanting to bring back jobs in America, make america great, -re-start the industrial revolution again, manufacturing jobs is what he is seeking, but aren’t those very same jobs, low end, blue collar types, that are increasingly, been made obsolete with the rise of the machines, 3D printing and the sorts.

Secondly; The economic transformation is a game changing event, some companies, individuals and even countries, not on the global radar before, have emerged with increasingly dominance, and as their momentum is based on rapid speed of deployment and fulfilment, they are taking over customers from someone, somewhere else, and those customers are never coming back.

/update: 16/4/2017;

It only took Trump!,
76 days to get on board.

Now he is full empire!

A total sell out“;
Is the word on the street.

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Perception vs Reality Sun, 22 Jan 2017 10:58:29 +0000 Perception of the Mind. Daniel Mankani.

Perception of the mind, no one can answer. What is wrong or right?, What is the right way forward, No one can tell you?. Is it not?

What you know, is due to some external influences, some experiences of strong emotion of the past, deeply ingrained, which drives your next perception, idea or thought, in the direction, towards the direction, of your own self made fantasy, creation or concept, which was in someway, important to know, and impact, which came about or budded up from that, deeply ingrained emotional impact, that you somehow experienced, and this became, your first budding memory of pain and brought about fear.

While, me too am experiencing an enlightening moment, on this subject, me too am searching, for the definite answer, me too, am driven by thoughts of perception and reality, experiences, which too, came from somewhere.

Crooks of every kind, manipulators of the human mind.

I would also like to believe that, this is my own creation and i am a genius, too.

Look, see, do like me. Truth is; this knowledge, that I have recently acquired, is also a creation of my recent developments.

Its all an influence from somewhere, somewhere external.

There are no coincidences, or luck by chance, its strategic. And as an analyst, its one’s task to question everything.

And as a trader, we trade only in the direction of the trend. if last bar is up?. Are you long or short, on the current bar? Are you against the trend? or in favour of the cycle?.

What is your longer term objective? Where do you think, its heading?, Where is your STOP?

Do you have trades on the trend or against it?
And, Why?

The game of Speculation; is a constant battle of perception vs reality.

Trade the path of least resistance is the cardinal rule always, what happened past, is likely to follow, to continue, amid some setbacks, on the journey, observe the momentum, to tell you, when it bends. Human Behaviour is ingrained, markets don’t change, till human’s do.

Know the BEAST!. If you are looking for hocus pocus, then its hope playing out ON you,

know HOPE, cause that is what 2017 will bring. 2017 will remove the illusion of authority, the illusion of economic recovery, which then begets, a revolutionary, creative destructive move to the downside. Starting anytime, just about now.


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What 2017 will bring? Mon, 16 Jan 2017 10:53:23 +0000 The Sanity of Man. Each one wants to know,
what 2017 will bring. – Daniel Mankani

Such is the time, of the year, where every great mystic,
wants to try out his mind. He predicts the future.
What he is really identifying; it’s the trend. Is it not?

The Path of Least Resistance.

Its not hard, but its all there to see. But you choose sometimes, to do not,
maybe on the basis of fear, of what, your mind might see.

Fact is; Nothing is by surprise, but by design.
And those design patterns are all out there, for every one to see.

Here is an example; of what we have witnessed, over the last few years to a decade.

Trends. Geo-Politics.
1990-2000 {Russia withdraws from Afghanistan, after a defeat, Russia was kept engaged in Afghanistan for so long, that in fact, it ran out of money, This was the Russian default and the collapse of USSR.

{ Fact is; Russia was by design, kept engaged for so long, only cause of the Taliban, which was a proxy warrior team of the CIA, Russia was already engaged in a losing war, a war, where a systematic disciplined force, couldn’t perform against guerilla tactics of the rebels, which made Russia run out of Afghanistan in DEFEAT, and this only happened within 12 months, of the rebels, obtaining the stinger missiles, cause it was by design, that engaging your enemy on the battle field, for so long, that it expends all its energy and depletes all its resources, will eventually ensure its collapse, a strategy deployed in the art of warfare for centuries. Hence, despite the Americans owning such missiles as far back as the early 1980’s, they didn’t give those to the Taliban earlier than 1989, hence the reasoning is a good strategy, played out of design, a pattern can now be recognized, if this ever happens, ever again. }

2000-2008 {America finds itself under attack in 2001. Its response; starts another war in Afghanistan, against the very rebels, that they once owned. Next comes a war in Iraq, then, comes the 2007-2008 Great Depression.

{ Fact is; America finds itself as the only super power, which then; engages in various overseas expensive, non productive adventures. Many of them engaged in without any reasoning, just the drums of war for no apparently reason, possibly GREED, all legalised on by great speculation, acts of crime was been committed in the name of democracy for the world. America over the last centuries have bombed more than 50 countries, just to retain, its hold as a super power. Truth is America; is on a decline as it lost its, higher ground of morality, its adventures in Iraq, were build on false premises and greed, since most politicians of that time, were all involved in IRAQ deals, this by itself, became exposed and everyone, who had the eyes to see, , this then in itself, empowered the world. One by one, everyone questioned, What Moral Authority, whenever America called out a Red Line, no one took heed, Today; America is on a state of decline, a vanishing super power, and with huge debts on its head.

2008-2012 { Global Revolutions brought about by extreme high commodity prices, partially caused by the EL NINO, affect. Revolutions broke out in almost all parts of the middle east, all within a very short time. And the ramifications of those, looked like it could also happen worldwide simultaneously.

 So where do we stand today…?.
Especially on the USA-RUSSIA relations. Its for every reason, that Russia may have / will intervene in the USA Elections, after all they do have, every intent and motivation to do so, this is something, that all of us, have to understand.

Note just before the top, first came greed. Pride before the fall.
../to be continued.

{See Riding The Second Wave, to avoid the suspense. After GREED,. comes HOPE in the series, which will be the time, of 2017 and beyond.
The Path of Least Resistance.

…. In the meanwhile, why not, try out your hand, at Dynamictrader Stock Scanner, a selection tool for your equity markets, we cover over a dozen markets, you can scan for stocks in those respective markets and create your own shopping list; the coming market move, will provide you good opportunity, for doing this..

Check it out! You also access it, directly, typing;

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A quant speaks. Sun, 15 Jan 2017 03:01:33 +0000 a quant speaks.

You have to change for the situation to change.
Inquiry | Understand Karma.

Just like success can be programmed, failures too, are running a program, which in affect is also a program, which exhibits success.

If you are repeating failing, then the cause is no one, but you, as you suffer from the affects of failure, due to your repetitive behaviour, if so, you can also be programmed to counteract those affects, to output the desired behaviour.

As a data analyst, this will make you, understand, that with the data presented, there is no coincidences, everything is well programmed, it’s just the data lying stale there, giving us our very own understanding, of what that is.

It also tells us, if yesterday is the same as today, then tomorrow will be the same, cause human behavior is the hardest to change.


These human behaviours, repeatedly provides us with trends, outputted at various sites of BTAMSC.

This is what we do, at banking technologies Asia. We study data, data that is clean, data that is not obtained, but gathered, studying human behavior, in current form and the past, and we store this data, and call this dataset1 {history}.

On any single day, we analyse practically everything, gathered in real time, these bots of ours, operate like spiders, they dive deep into the web, to collect everything. To know everything, and archive it into history.

We keep track of the news, via

To analyse to {dataset1}, we add another sets of new data into it, our bots gather and keep track of comments on blogs and all forms of social media, and we store these as {dataset2} as name them as feelings, or thoughts.

With this new data, a new preservative is added into the spectrum, to identify, his reality, vis perception, we scrub the two datasets, against each other.

We get a pattern. A pattern of truth.

Introduction to Chart Paterns.

Most importantly, we get to develop, predictive technology, intelligence is been gathered on our system, by giving us the predicative capability, of determining the next probable outcome, with the relative degree of safety, of potential pitfalls, challenges that may arise, in the fulfillment of the most probable outcome and what if; how; and other potentially required, questions, can be outputted from such a system. The most probable trends, our current condition of inquiry, are again outputted for scrubbing, at And, sites we operate since 1998/-.

As such, we run multiple tools of information gathering systems and run them against each other, to determine the path of most probable outcome, this is a trend, that we are attempting to identify, the path of least resistance.

Analysis is a subject of repeated inquiry, that is what it is. The questioning and repeated inquiry, of what if, why, and every such question is the subject of such inquiry, then this is what is outputted, its called Intelligence, a state of {I Know more than you.}.

We then add into {another dataset3} , we call this economy. We track financial data, of all nature.(p)

Financial s Comparison Analysis.

KINDLY ACKNOWLEDGE THIS SITES DISCLAIMER of Dynamictrader before proceeding to any of its archived content. Our permission of granting you access, is depended and subjective based upon your agreement, to all our site terms and conditions, privacy and copyright terms and respective risk disclaimers. of which, you relieve us against any liabilities now or in the future, from the use and access of information, which are raw in nature in many cases, and you may suffer losses beyond your comprehension, leading to even cause of death, if you are walking across the street in deep confusion or doubt. 


We believe in is a world without borders. A world without barriers and monopolies protecting the inefficient are been questioned. The days of segregation are behind us. Talent remains global and capital follows it. Redundant processes once identified become obsolete. Value creation meets success. Technology deployment demands speed!. Its Human Evolution not Revolution. Will you sink or swim?.

Progressively Evolve and aggregate extensible success, deploy existing resources and reinvent. Strategic deployment and high standards delivers value to your customers, our customers!. To redefine processes, Ask BTAMSC, Give us a Challenge!.  As Quants, Data is our best friend, without bias and corruption, we identify the inefficient and make them obsolete. For a Better World! Full of Love. For you, for us and our Lovely Planet.

BTAMSC is currently seeking partners to value add in the following joint ventures. Cloud based solution, SocialNetwork platform, Alternative News Media,, P2P+Merchant Solutions, Virtual and Social Gifting, Ebooks Magazine Store, Expats community site,, Free online educational platform and virtual office platform – Joint Venture Opportunities.

Learn more about our company, here;

Our data is not for sale. For fear of corruption and bias.
We practically have no clients, want no clients.
We seek value adding, performance driven, systematically executing; joint venture partners.

Venture capital is available, meeting such criteria.

Our Services. We can help you;
ReInvent the Physical Presence with a Tasks Based Efficient Digital Office.

Restructure skills and resources assets globally with BTAMSC start to end solutions.

ReAlign resources to specific tasks, objectives to meet goals, outlined in milestones.

RePresent in various online channels and grow to your full potential.

Back to the Beginning.
The Greed:
The Ignorant, Zombies:
Chart Patterns:
Introduction to Technical Analysis.

Revolutionary Transformation Ongoing.
– Global Economic Collapse  January 18, 2016

And Why;
Technopreneurship Development – Daniel Mankani.
– Published Sep 2003. Pearson Education Asia


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